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Showing posts from August, 2012

Autostart Application in Gnome 2 on RHEL

Resolution : #1 - you can create a file in ~/.config/autostart/ #2 - you can use the GUI #1 - ~/.config/autostart/conky.desktop [jradtke@neo ~]$ cat .config/autostart/conky.desktop [Desktop Entry] Type=Application Exec=/usr/bin/conky ~/.conkyrc & Hidden=false X-GNOME-Autostart-enabled=true Name[en_US]=Conky Name=Conky Comment[en_US]=Conky Desktop App Comment=Conky Desktop App #2 - Click on System | Preferences | Startup Applications Click Add Provide a Name, Command and Comment. In the Name field, enter /usr/bin/conky ~/.conkyrc & What does a conkyrc look like on RHEL? I had a difficult time finding a configuration that would do anything useful, other than no custom config whatsoever.  I found this one online - and I wish I could remember where so I could give credit. [jradtke@neo ~]$ cat .conkyrc # Conky sample configuration # # the list of variables has been removed from this file in favour # of keeping the documentation more maintainabl...

Convert iTunes Playlist to Rhythmbox

Solution : get perl script from - written by Bowen Dwelle (apparently).  YOU... need to test this if you place any importance on your Rhythmbox setup.  I... do not.  If wreck my playlists and/or library, I'm OK with resyncing the media and starting over.  I don't anticipate any issues/problems, but I did not write the script. Situation : I have multiple machines at home, each with a different purpose. MacBook Pro: Music, Pictures, Netflix, etc... Valve/Steam games IBM T520:  Mostly work type stuff. iTunes 10.6.3 rhythmbox-0.12.8-1.el6.x86_64 On the Mac I use iTunes to manage my music library, currently around 12,000 songs.  I think it is a very decent solution and meets all of my needs.  On my "PC", I run RHEL 6.3 and Rhythmbox.  (Rhythmbox is the only audio app I have managed to get working using RHEL with the standard repos.) Issue :  Since my Lenovo is basically just a mirro...