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Showing posts from April, 2013

Meridian Explorer DAC with Fedora Linux

Summary :  install alsa-utils  run alsamixer press f6, select the Meridian DAC increase the clock value to 84  Story : I recently became somewhat obsessive about Headphone Amplification.  I was trying to determine the value  amplification would provide.  I found that once you have nice cans, the next step should be to also invest in an upgraded DAC.  I picked up a set of Sennheiser HD380 Pro cans a while back and they made a world of difference over my other headphones.  After wearing headphones for an extended period of time at work I thought I could do better. I stopped at JS Audio in Bethesda and the sales person was very excited to show me the USB DAC from Meridian.  The Explorer is both a DAC and an Amplifier.  Jason demo'd Beck - Lost Cause and Pink Floyd - Money.  Instantly I was convinced what I was hearing was better, but I didn't immediately know why.  (For the record - I was also listening to a pair of Fos...

Crashing a Linux Host (on purpose)

I have been modifying our enterprise kdump configuration and I would like to do some testing.  It turns out that crashing Linux is actually quite simple. $ sudo su - # echo c > /proc/sysrq-trigger Now.. I get to figure out why my system is unable to dump to NFS.... ya!

Resolve Satellite sync issues (missing channel)

ISSUE:  If you are seeing [root@rhnsat01 API]# cat /var/lib/rhn/tasko/org1/repo-sync-bunch/repo-sync_1955662_err 2013-04-14 04:00:00,080 [DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-5] ERROR com.redhat.rhn.taskomatic.task.RepoSyncTask  - No such channel with channel_id 589 2013-04-14 04:00:00,081 [DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-5] ERROR com.redhat.rhn.taskomatic.task.RepoSyncTask  - It is apparently telling you that a channel that was scheduled for a repo sync is no longer available (which implies it was once available on your Sat) NOTE: the channel ID is 589 from the error. [root@rhnsat01 API]# cat  #!/usr/bin/env python import xmlrpclib SATELLITE_URL = "" SATELLITE_LOGIN = "satadmin" SATELLITE_PASSWORD = "" client = xmlrpclib.Server(SATELLITE_URL, verbose=0) key = client.auth.login(SATELLITE_LOGIN, SATELLITE_PASSWORD) # CHANGE THINGS AFTER THIS LINE result = client.taskomati...

Dual Boot Lenovo X1 Carbon - Windows 7 Fedora 18

Lenovo sent me a Recovery Media Kit - so, I decided to reinnstall Windows 7 Pro to see if their installation would resolve an issue I have been having with the SD card reader. Boot the system and press Enter to Interrupt Normal Boot. Press F1 to enter the BIOS, configure the Boot Options (under Startup) to boot Legacy first (this is only for the Windows Installation - as I could not get the Recovery Media to boot with UEFI) Boot from the Disc 1 of 1 from Set 1 and follow the prompts.  If/when it asks, select GPT for your disk. Remove the last 2 partitions on your disk (right-click My Computer, select Manage | Disk Manager) Once the Windows Installation has completed, shut the machine down. Boot the system and press Enter to Interrupt Normal Boot Press F1 to enter the BIOS, configure the Boot Options (under Startup) to boot UEFI only, then change the Boot Order to boot the USB CD first Reboot the system The Fedora 18 installer can be a bit tricky (I'm not exactly a fan,...