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Showing posts from May, 2014

Oracle 11g on RHEL 6 prep script

# $Id: Oracle-DBA-rhel6,v 1.10 2014/06/25 01:16:32 root Exp $ # ************************************************************************** # Author:    james.radtke # Date:      20140527 # Location:  prhnsat01:/var/www/html/pub/snippets/spacewalk/1/ # # Goal:      Have a single script that can: #             - configure a new system for Oracle #             - validate an existing installation #             - be run on an existing system to update/repair Oracle install # ************************************************************************** # ************************************************************************** #  CLEANUP / TODOD #  Should clean up the THP section to check the current value from /proc or /sy...

Prelink cache - friend or foe?

Ran in to a very bothersome issue over the weekend. Pushed a package installation automatically via Satellite to ALL of my Linux hosts at 11pm on Sunday evening.  Around 9am on Monday I was invited to a bridge to discuss some Oracle issue where no new connections were allowed to the database on the Listener.  The fun begins... So - we discuss what changes had been applied recently and my software push is mentioned.  I had tested this software push on all our non-prod hosts 8 weeks prior - and everything has been fine.  So.. what the hell happened. As it turns out the number of hosts affected were less than 1% - However, the way the problem was communicated made the problem sound much worse.  So - at this point I assume that the approved deployment to ALL our hosts broke EVERY.SINGLE.BOX in our environment. I start to review the actual output of the software push and I notice a package that had been updated which was not included in my testing 8 weeks ago....