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Showing posts from August, 2016

Convert iTunes to Rhythmbox 2016

A recent comment on a rather old post made me realize that I had not updated this thread. The biggest news - iTunes seriously screws up the way they store attributes about songs now.  From what I can gather, if you chose to give Adele - Rolling in the Deep 4-stars... it, for whatever stupid reason, will then give the entire album an "album rating" of 4 stars.  Which means that the perl script and python script I had found to convert my playlist would have ALL the Adele songs in that album in my favorites in Rhythmbox. There is, however, a work-around Doug Scripts I cannot seem to find the exact AppleScript of his that I used to remove the Album Rating from all my albums. First thing though... open iTunes and run DougScripts Album Rating script. #!/bin/bash # You have to use sudo on the AFS drive MYDATE=`date +%F-%H-%M-%S` rsync -urpolvv --delete --size-only --delete --exclude="Mobile Applications...