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Showing posts from October, 2016

My (limited) experience with Filemaker Pro

A friend has a retail location which uses Filemaker Pro on 2 computers - I'll refer to them as Main and Satellite.  Filemaker will have a primary instance running on the Main computer and the Satellite will connect to it.  It turns out that Filemaker has it's own network "stack" known as the Filemaker Network (aka fmn://) Firewall: You need to ensure that the Windows Firewall allows communication for Filemaker Pro. Click Start and type "firewall" in the search box.  Then click Allow A Program Through Windows Firewall.  Find the Filemaker pro in the list and make sure the check box is selected for the type of network your interface was designated as.  In his case: public. Allow Sharing (Filemaker): On the Main Computer, open Filemaker and click on : File   Sharing     Filemaker Network (this page will show you the IP)       Network Sharing (click "On") Connect to Remote Filemaker Share: On the Satellite Computer, c...

Extending SNMP to run arbitrary shell script

Why are we here... This is not likely something I would have pursued under normal circumstances.  I happen to be working for a customer/client who is not afforded a lot of flexibility to accomplish their goals.  In this case, the rigor is justified.  They have to sometimes be fairly creative with how they solve problems. In this case they would like to utilize an existing snmp implementation to execute a command (or shell script) on a remote system.  They came to me with the idea of using Net-SNMP extend. NOTE:  This is NOT a good implementation strategy in the "real world"  it will simply allow you to test the functionality.  There are a TON of security implications which would need to be taken in to consideration. Implementation Steps: [root@rh7tst01 ~]# yum -y install net-snmp net-snmp-utils ...