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Showing posts from April, 2017

Plex and LetsEncrypt

Work in Progress: Plex and LetsEncrypt So... I'm not entirely sure where to begin with all this. And this write-up is a mess (right now). I was not certain this was going to work and therefore I was not keeping absolute notes. Apache webserver allowing 80/443 through my firewall. - - Plex Media Server currently running on OSX Mac Mini at port 32400 (standard port) I own a domain "" and I also have a Plex Media Server running on any particular system (Mac Mini/OSX, Nvidia Shield TV, Linux). On my webserver, I am using CertBot - create a webroot (vhost) on your Apache Server. wget chmod a+x certbot-auto ./certbot-auto ./certbot-auto certonly -d --webroot openssl pkcs12 -export -out ~/plex_linuxrevolution_com.pfx \ -inkey /etc/letsencrypt/archive/ \ -in /etc/letsencrypt/archive/plex...

Privacy?? Meh. Oh - and wtf paypal?

So.. once upon a time (about 2 weeks ago) I was going to purchase an album from some Indie rock band (group?) and they accepted Paypal.  Word?  Word. I don't have a hang-up with enabling the "one click" Paypal functionality in my browser... because if I can save 2 or 3 clicks here-and-there, that's money in the bank, and as such I opt to enable the "one click" feature.  Annnd.. off I got to pay for my album.  Shortly thereafter, I noticed that I have a "unread notification" in my facebook tab.  Hmm..  I'm not very popular, I wonder what this is.... I don't know exactly *where* I had "agreed to have Paypal send you updates"... but I was/am pretty pissed off.  Paypal's "support" was nice/pleasant, I must say, but.. either they ARE clueless, or have been trained to PRETEND to be clueless.  They seem to think I was upset about the notifications.  NOTE!!!!  somehow Paypal was added as "payment method" in...