copy your file to /usr/share/backgrounds/default.png
then update /usr/share/backgrounds/default.xml
# cp /usr/share/backgrounds/default.png /usr/share/backgrounds/default.png.orig
# cp ~/Pictures/redhat.png /usr/share/backgrounds/default.png
# cp /usr/share/backgrounds/default.xml /usr/share/backgrounds/default.xml.orig
copy your file to /usr/share/backgrounds/default.png
then update /usr/share/backgrounds/default.xml
# cp /usr/share/backgrounds/default.png /usr/share/backgrounds/default.png.orig
# cp ~/Pictures/redhat.png /usr/share/backgrounds/default.png
# cp /usr/share/backgrounds/default.xml /usr/share/backgrounds/default.xml.orig
# vi /usr/share/backgrounds/default.xml
<size width="1920" height="1200">/usr/share/backgrounds/default.png</size>
Issue: This was not necessarily an issue. I just wanted a different graphic to be displayed when I logged in to my workstation and I don't have much use for a desktop that changes based on where the sun is in the sky?
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