I specifically did this on my Spacewalk system (not Satellite) but I assume the procedure is the same.
NOTE: If someone feels this is not a valid approach to this, please let me know and I will update the approach or take it down.
- You do NOT need to do this part -
I downloaded and installed the Puppet RPM to gather info regarding their public repo
Now - last step - associate the Repo with a Channel
Click on Manage Software Channels and select the Puppet Labs Channel under RHEL/CENTOS 6.
Once there, click on Repositories and finally click Update Repositories
Click Sync and Sync Now
- This is a hack/work-around that is quicker
NOTE: If someone feels this is not a valid approach to this, please let me know and I will update the approach or take it down.
- You do NOT need to do this part -
I downloaded and installed the Puppet RPM to gather info regarding their public repo
sudo rpm -ivh http://yum-enterprise.puppetlabs.com/el/6/extras/x86_64/puppetlabs-enterprise-release-extras-6-2.noarch.rpm
- You do NOT need to do this part -
I only imported that RPM to get the following info (/etc/yum.repos.d/puppetlabs.repo)
[puppetlabs-products]name=Puppet Labs Products El 6 - $basearch
I also used the name of the repo they have chosen.
Then login to your Spacewalk admin portal, click on
Channels | Manage Software Channels | Manage Repositories
Add the URL and Label (I labeled mine Puppet Labs Products EL 6 - I don't have RHEL 5)
Then, we need to add a channel (using data from above)
Click on Manage Software Channels and create new channel (upper right hand side)
Channel Name: Puppet Labs Products EL 6
Channel Label: puppetlabs-products
Parent Channel: CentOS 6
Arch: x86_64
Channel Summay:
Puppet Labs Products EL 6
GPG key ID:
GPG key Fingerprint: 47B3 20EB 4C7C 375A A9DA E1A0 1054 B7A2 4BD6 EC30
Then, create a repo
Click Channels | Manage Software Channels | Manage Repositories
click create new repository
Repository Label: puppetlabs-products
Repository URL: http://yum.puppetlabs.com/el/6/products/x86_64
Then, create a repo
Click Channels | Manage Software Channels | Manage Repositories
click create new repository
Repository Label: puppetlabs-products
Repository URL: http://yum.puppetlabs.com/el/6/products/x86_64
Now - last step - associate the Repo with a Channel
Click on Manage Software Channels and select the Puppet Labs Channel under RHEL/CENTOS 6.
Once there, click on Repositories and finally click Update Repositories
Click Sync and Sync Now
- This is a hack/work-around that is quicker
Once those steps have been complete, you then run
spacewalk-repo-sync --type=yum --url='http://yum.puppetlabs.com/el/6/products/x86_64' --channel='puppetlabs-products'
Your Puppet Labs Channel will now appear under CentOS 6 (or whatever base you selected) and have 0 packages until the spacewalk-repo-sync completes.
I believe I need to do the same for the "deps" Puppet Labs repo as well. (This is my first day working with Puppet).
if your clients do not have external HTTP access, you will need to pull down the signing key or sign them yourself.
Download the key and save it in
GPG key Fingerprint: 47B3 20EB 4C7C 375A A9DA E1A0 1054 B7A2 4BD6 EC30
I think.. that should work?
if your clients do not have external HTTP access, you will need to pull down the signing key or sign them yourself.
Download the key and save it in
GPG key URL: http://satserver.corp.company.com/
4BD6EC30I think.. that should work?
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