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Showing posts from May, 2015

Adding EPEL 7 repo to Satellite 5

Repository URL: You will likely get the following error (/var/log/rhn/reposync/epel_rhel7_x86_64.log [root@rh6sat5 reposync]# tail -f epel_rhel7_x86_64.log Sync started: Fri May 22 18:58:00 2015 ['/usr/bin/spacewalk-repo-sync', '--channel', 'epel_rhel7_x86_64', '--type', 'yum', ''] Repo URL: ERROR: xz compression not available Sync completed. Total time: 0:00:03 So - to fix this, do the following... yum -y install cd /etc/yum.repos.d/ sed -i -e 's/enabled=1/enabled=0/g' epel.repo yum --enablerepo epel list pyliblzma To resolve the mess from above... yum remove pyliblzma && yum --enablerepo epel -y install pyliblzma